Internet Taxes and Bus Service

Oy, not again. Why is it we just can’t seem to get it right on the issue of Internet taxes? Either pass a law banning them or enact them already.

Anyway, not all that much else to report. Spent the entire day watching more movies (is that really a shock?) and mostly just sat around. Stargate SG-1 rocks, yo. Someday, I’ll pick up Season 6 and do my normal, watch-a-disc-a-day routine. I’ll probably do the same with West Wing Season 2, Law & Order – The Second Year, C.S.I. Season 3, and, potentially, all five seasons of Babylon 5. Someday.

It’s odd, I’m not really the type that likes to get off campus. I don’t know, I suppose I’m more of a homebody. Not sure why I’m so adverse to getting off campus (which I will admit is incredibly ironic given that I’m looking to live off campus next year). I suppose it’s just that I don’t like being bothered to wait to do things. I’d rather be able to do them without taking a half hour or more on the bus on weekends to go the equivalent of about ten miles to get to Capitol Mall. Why Intercity Transit cuts service to the College via Route 48 during the weekends, I will never, ever understand — that’s when most students on campus want to get to Capitol Mall and surrounding area. Instead, to get there, you catch Route 41, either out of the Housing bus loop or the main campus bus loop and ride about 15 minutes to Harrison and Division, which Route 48 runs along during the weekends. See, it’s not that Route 48 stops entirely; no, it merely stops serving the college.

Gripe of the day.

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