Switching autumn to Fedora Core 2

Due to some problems I had with system inconsistencies, I decided to take the opportunity and switch autumn (my laptop) to Fedora Core 2, which is primarily a GNOME-based distribution. I switched partly because of the inconsistencies, but also because I wasn’t completely satisfied with KDE and SuSE isn’t a strong Gnome distribution. In fact, SuSE’s version of GNOME 2.6 is highly corrupt.

In addition, this distribution comes out with the newer updates much faster than SuSE can. Thus, I’m running 2.6.7 on this machine now, whereas before I could only run 2.6.5 due to SuSE’s less-than-rapid response to software upgrades. The software is still the same for the most part, though I’m now using BloGTK to post to this blog. I have yet to reinstall the unstable version of Ximian Evolution so I can check my mail, however, so that’s one of my next tasks.

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