I Know What You Did This Summer

No, not really. But I know what I did this summer so far.

Let’s recap: Got my driver’s license (finally). Started working for Evergreen’s Access Services and Evergreen’s Web Team while continuing my site manager work with the Writing Center. Started reading the books for my Fall quarter program Power in American Society, taught by Larry Mosqueda. Hmm.

I have done something recreational this summer, at least: Amanda and I recently celebrated our one-year anniversary by taking a four-day camping trip to Larrabee State Park. We had a nice, expansive 5-person tent which made this a real pleasure. We took walks, hiked up to a place called Fragrance Lake, watched the sun set over Puget Sound, took zillions of pictures (okay, fine, hundreds of pictures) and generally loafed. We’re hoping to do that again sometime this summer if we can.

That’s not the only thing we’re doing this summer — we’re headed over to Port Townsend to visit with a friend of ours from Evergreen on August 13, where we’ll be going to the Jefferson County Fair and hashing out the possibility of a road trip next summer. I’m hoping we can do a road trip, but without a car, this could be an interesting endeavor. We’ll see what happens — I’m still hoping to get a car before the school year starts, but since I’d be the one carrying all the costs (maintenance, gas, tabs, registration, emissions testing, insurance, taxes, the actual purchase cost, etc.), this might be a little hard. College students don’t tend to wallow in the millions like some people.

So far, it’s been a semi-productive and semi-relaxing summer (no, not necessarily in a 50-50 ratio). At least it’s a break from Data to Information and an opportunity to get ahead for next quarter so that I don’t get absolutely swamped. It should be interesting next year — between serving on the Enrollment Coordination Committee and the Enrollment Growth DTF, working 19 hours a week as a senior tutor in the Writing Center, taking classes, and doing things with Amanda, my time’s damn well booked already. Should be interesting — but hopefully not as mind-implodingly hectic as last year. We’ll see what happens.

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