Stupid Evergreen Students, Part II

Current Music: the ben taylor band – famous among the barns – rain

It’s as if the Gods smiled upon me and decided to offer me pristine proof when I said Evergreen students were damn stupid. I take it back. It’s not that Evergreen students are stupid — it’s that they’re really damn freaking stupid, to the point where my incredulity can’t take it anymore.

I got back from Bellingham at about 6PM and was talking to Amanda’s grandmother when she pointed out that our peephole seemed to be a little broken. Well, yeah, it was broken — one part of it was hanging out the inside of the door.

Excuse me, it wasn’t broken, it was stolen. Yes, that’s correct, someone took our peephole. More accurately, they took the part of the peephole that sticks to the outside of the door and provides the privacy barrier so that people can’t see into the room. WHAT THE HELL DOES ANYONE ON THIS CAMPUS NEED A HALF OF A PEEPHOLE FOR?!?

So our peephole is now a peephole in that people can see in as well as out. Well, that would be the case if I hadn’t temporarily taped the peephole shut until we can get Facilities to fix the damn thing.

I’m just waiting for lightning to strike me twice.

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