Life in a Ten-Word Summary

In marketing, there’s a concept known as the ten-word summary. This is a marketing phrase that is about ten words (preferably less) that you use to capitalize on what service your product provides to others. A la the irreverent nature of the Reduced Shakespeare Company, I attempt to provide below a ten-word summary of my life in the last couple months:

Wet, Hectic Box Shindigs for Writing, Insanity, and Sequence Diagrams

Sounds more like a bad self-help book title, really, but there is a point to it. I’ve been running around in the pouring rain that becomes Washington State this time of year, moving, doing a lot of writing associated with class and my work in general (some of it coding, some not), and, in general, trying very hard not to require a strait jacket and padded walls. I’ve also been completing a substantial project in my academic program, Student Originated Software.

As much as I enjoy telling my friends to have a padded room ready for me any time now, it is typically a slight exaggeration. This quarter has gotten better lately, though it’s going to get worse after the Thanksgiving break, which, thankfully, starts at the end of this week(!).

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