
Current Music: Faith Hill – Fly – Stronger

So, Computability requires an entrance test in order to enroll. I took one look at it, and my reaction was “um.. no.”

So, bye bye Computability. That leaves:

Power in American Society F
500 Years of Globalization WS
Power in American Society F
Nietzsche: Life, Times, Work W
After Nietzsche: Arts, Literature and Philosophy in the Wanderer’s Shadow S
Power in American Society F
Nietzsche: Life, Times, Work W
Marxist Theory S

Eh, that’s okay, though. I really like how the syllabus looks for Power. Should be an interesting year.

On an unrelated note, I get to see Amanda tomorrow, and I get to go home tomorrow for the first time in about three weeks. Bonus! I saw Amanda on Wednesday, since she was down here for the transfer advising day that was going on at the same time as everything else. Got to hang out on the roof of Seminar II and watch the Student Activities Fair (after avoiding a variety of gaming freaks and weirdo vegans). She had to leave for Seattle again, though, so she couldn’t stick around as much as we had hoped. Eh, nothing is perfect.

I used to love SatireWire while it ran. In that spirit, Canada has a warship!

Edit (10:50PM): For those wondering, Amanda’s my girlfriend. Just in case that confused people :)

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