
Since I’m a Puget Sound Energy customer, I get access to a very nice little utility which they call EnergyTracker. This interface allows me to track my energy usage through a number of views, and I thought I’d share some screenshots.

The daily view shows me the energy usage for the last 8 days — this is quite useful if you know exactly what’s been turned on and turned off for each day. For instance, the sudden dip in the graph above reflects the heat being lowered or turned off due to higher outside temperatures in Olympia.

Average Day is fairly self-explanatory.

This Billing Cycle reflects usage throughout this month.

The abrupt dip at the end of the Last Month’s Usage view is the Christmas break.

This one’s particularly interesting (at least to me), since it shows a number of dates when I wasn’t actually in the apartment. It’s pretty clear that the apartment was empty in July and August. Anything past that is my usage — seems like, overall, we’re using less energy than the previous tenant.

I really like this little utility and check it fairly often. It’s a nice way to see how different actions affect the billing.

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