Tutoring Self Evaluation – Fall 2004

Below is the text of my tutoring self evaluation for this quarter. This is technically an internal document for use by the Center’s Director, but I see no problem with sharing it with everyone else.

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Tutoring Self Evaluation – Fall 2004
Peter Ellis

I have found that my tutoring this quarter has been a mess of questions combined with a series of realizations about my weaknesses in tutoring. The big thing I’ve noticed this quarter is the difference between program tutoring and drop-in tutoring. I’ve missed the personal connection that comes with being assigned to a particular program and tutoring the same assignments repeatedly; now, I’m forced to budget time trying to get a sense of what the actual assignment is. This is an odd issue in time management for me, since some people take five minutes just to tell me what they’re working on.

I have noticed a slight lack of confidence this quarter as well, since I have had to deal with situations where the advice I gave was often only given once. I rarely (if ever) got feedback on how a particular tactic or idea worked. I felt a little awkward at times recommending the same advice to others, since I had no idea of the advice had worked in previous circumstances or not. This is something I continue to struggle with, and I’m not entirely sure how to negate the effects of this.

Recognizing that tutoring is really an ongoing process of learning and tweaking strategies, it seems like my tool bag has remained much the same over the last quarter, with a few interesting new tricks added into it. I do wish, though, that I had more substantive information on grammar and the language to communicate with others about grammatical errors and quirks. I also feel a weakness surrounding my position in a tutoring session � I don’t always allow the student to run the session. It sometimes feels as if I am in control too much, which is something I have always struggled with.
In terms of my work as head of the Web Team, I feel as if we’ve made significant progress this quarter in developing a web presence. Some of that progress has been hard-gained, and it seems like perhaps more could have been done, but I’m satisfied with my work in that arena as a whole.

Looking ahead, I feel like I definitely need to work more on reviewing grammar and fine-tuning my communication skills. Next quarter, I hope to expand my knowledge of grammar by attending some of the Grammar Rodeo workshops. In addition, I hope to continue work on the web site so that it presents the Writing Center as a unique and creative space for writers on campus.

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