
Well, today brought a haircut — my hair is now much shorter, thank goodness — and a new bookcase ordered. It’s not really labeled as a bookshelf (it’s actually a O’Sullivan Cliff Top Oak Stepping Cube, which the web site I link to calls a “steeping cube”, whatever that is), but it can be used as one. I’m defining a small reading/lounging area in the living room with my papasan chair as a centerpiece, and was going to use the bookcase both to define that space and allow for some book storage. I may also get a small bookcase for my own room. We’ll see. I know for sure that I’m getting at least two more floor lights — one more for the living room and one for area lighting in my bedroom.

I’d get something more entertainment-related if I thought it’d be worth it, but I’m being cautious to see what my bills look like first. Perhaps next month.

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