Hectic Week

So I’ve spent the day bouncing between a client meeting this morning in Seattle, an audiologist appointment this afternoon, and stops by Target, Red Robin, and Linens ‘n’ Things this evening. On top of it all, we had to put up with thunderstorms both at the house and on the road — I miss thunderstorms, somehow. I’m always humbled by the power they convey.

Oddly, this statement also comes at a point when I’m considering my votes for statewide positions. Since the elections this year are based on a party system, we have to choose a party and vote for people within that party, which has vastly pissed off voters in this state, but has to be used, at least for now. I’m voting within the Democratic party for this election, since they have several incumbents that I support (current Washington Senator Patty Murray) and some runners that have what I see as strong positions.

With Friday fast approaching, I’m beginning to plan out what needs to be taken down first. So far, I’ve decided that furniture and kitchen items should be taken down initially, as well as some larger items such as my printer, hamper, essential class materials (read: books), and probably a few boxes of other things along the way. I’m still excited (that’s good, right… right?), though I can’t say that doing paperwork is my favorite thing in the world. At least it’ll get me the keys so that some of this will be over and done with. For now.

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