Starbucks: Lethal? Not exactly.

I stumbled over an article published today about how Starbucks can actually help mom-and-pop coffee shops by opening stores nearby.  However, in reading the article, it becomes quite clear that the author has never seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

But closures like this have been the exception, not the rule. In its predatory store placement strategy, Starbucks has been about as lethal a killer as a fluffy bunny rabbit.

Give the bunnies a chance!

More Strange E-Mails from Evergreen State

Since I still have an active staff account, I still get e-mails sent to staff and faculty members, hence why I’m able to post them. If they didn’t want me to do so, they should’ve killed my account when they had the chance!

Subject: Ham cooking in the longhouse kitchen oven
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 16:16:43 -0700
To: "All Staff & Faculty" <>

Hello. A student with the designated key to the Longhouse kitchen came
in to set up for the Common Bread meeting and he found hams cooking at
325 in both of the ovens. Are you missing a ham or two?

I turned OFF the ovens because he didn't think it was anyone else from
the group since he's the only one with the key.

Another mystery of the longhouse---spontaneous ham baking...

Unfortunate E-Mail Subjects

Subject: added performance for Becoming a Man in 127 Easy Steps
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 14:13:44 -0700
To: "All Staff & Faculty" <>

Would you guess that Becoming a Man in 127 Easy Steps is the name of an upcoming play for Evergreen’s Performing Arts program?

Spend My Miles!

Since I’m a member of Northwest Airline’s WorldPerks program after flying with them earlier this year, I get fairly routine marketing e-mails where they try to get me to spend the miles I’ve saved so far.  Today’s e-mail had the following gem (emphasis added):

 Use as few as 50,000 of your 5,052 miles towards the air portion of your WorldVacations package to Asia.

Seesh. A simple if(numMiles < 50,000) { do_not_send_email(); } would have sufficed…