Whooa, major changes, dude…

Obviously, there’s been a drastic change here. I’ve switched the blog over (quite effortlessly, might I add) from Movable Type 2.661 to WordPress 1.5. WordPress is the same software that I’ve been using on the Pixelary Development Blog for the last few months, though this blog runs the most recent version. I’ll be converting the layout later to coincide with a new personal site which I’m working on.

Oh, and for the time being, comments have returned! I’ll be implementing some WordPress plugins to control this properly.

Gmail as Primary E-Mail

I’ve decided to forward all my e-mail to my personal Gmail account on a trial basis. So far, this seems to be drastically reducing the amount of spam I have to stare at via my mail client. The drawback is, I still have to log in to Gmail to filter that spam to make sure it’s being caught correctly, and there still are some false positives (and some missed spam messages).

But that’s why my original filter system of rejecting anyone not in my address book on Thunderbird is still in place.

It seems to be working alright so far, though — thank goodness for Google’s ever-expanding storage. If you don’t believe me, look at the Gmail welcome page. That’s an up-to-the-second tally of disk space available to users. Ph33r.

Sick as a Moose

Those that know about Amanda and I will understand that reference.

I had forgotten the joy of sneezing so hard that it feels like your head should separate from the rest of your body. That said, a number of things I should talk about here — the Port Townsend trip, for instance, and my completion of the write-up for the conference I went to a few weeks back — will just have to wait.

Sorry :)